Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Bouncing ball (Maya)

I learnt how to set key frames and make a bouncing ball animation in Maya. I learnt how to edit the curves using the graph editor. I think this exercise helps me understand better on animation.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Friday, July 1, 2011

12 principles of animation

Exercise 2


The girl on the left is anticipating for the girl on the right to throw the thing to her.

Slow in and slow out

The girl moves from squating down to standing between two extreme position.

Squash and stretch

The wallet changes shapes as it hits the wall and touches the ground.

Follow through and overlapping action

As they do the chicken dance, each part of their body moves at a different pace.

Straight ahead action and pose to pose

The girl's size becomes bigger and bigger as she runs to the camera.

Exercise 3

Follow this link to see these 6 different principles of animation - Anticipation, Arcs, Follow through and overlapping actions, Squash and stretch, Secondary action and Exaggeration
=>   www.youtube.com/watch?v=46hBd18ZYMo&feature=related


1)Anticipation- The guy in the video is getting ready to jump over a distance. The viewer will not know how far he can jump.

2)Arcs- The guy in the video is moving his arms by rotating his joints to throw a ball forward. Arcs are natural actions/movement.

3)Follow through and overlapping actions- His arms and legs are moving at different speeds and anglea all at the same time. His arms and legs are still moving when he stops moving and stays in place.

4)Squash and stretch- His muscles are changing shape and also returning to original shape as he tries to pick up the dumbell.

5)Secondary action- His head is moving upward while his hands are pulling the dumbell up.

6)Exaggeration- The dumbell was bent out of shape in the end which is quite exaggerated.