Friday, August 19, 2011

Storyboard & Character

Sam is working by himself.

Sam's job is to move the boxes from one side to the other.

He tried to put down the box he is moving but he realised the box is stucked and he cannot let go of the box.

He started turning left and right to try to shake off the box that was stuck in his arm.

He also tried to shake up and down too.

He then tried to slam it on the the other boxes.

The box is finally shaken off and moved to the right area with other boxes.

Character of Sam 'The hardworking robot'
Sam is very serious in getting his work(which is transporting boxes) done before he leaves for home. He always finishes his workload way before the deadline.  He is well-liked by everyone and is often complimented by his boss for being competent in his work.

(scenario 5)
The name of my robot is Sam.
*Sam's thoughts while lifting boxes*
Yes, 1 hour till work ends. I have got only a few more boxes to move.  I'm so tired. I can't wait to get home and rest! *Box gets stuck* What happened?! Why can't I get this box off me?! This is so irritating! Oh, wait! I got an idea! Maybe if I keep slamming the box. The box might just dropped out on its own! Alright, I think it might work!

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