Sunday, May 8, 2011

Exercise 1


Mammoth Tank

Exercise 3

Prisons are meant to be scary, powerful looking places, while Toontown is meant for fun and childlike enjoyment.

There is a lot of spaces between the prison buildings, which creates a distant and lonesome feeling. There is also nothing around the prison bulidings, except tall fences in order to prevent prisons from escaping. The prison buildings are all squarish and rigid while Toontown buildings are made up of different shapes.

How does the sense of scale reflect the different purposes of the prisons and Toontown?

The prison has very large buildings as its purpose is to imprison criminals. Toontown is very small place because it is meant for small children to play over there. After all, the close proximity between buildings is the best environment for kids to have fun, in case they get lost.

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